Monday, February 2, 2009

What is being said about Brew and Honour:

"I'll put in a plug for B&H. It's a good paper zine, the likes of which are rare these days. Good interviews, record reviews, etc. "

Pick up this zine! It's paper (which we need more of...I'm looking at you, ZACH) and is a great asset to the scene! Support Brew&Honour!

Sean - Politics of the Street

This is a good zine and I'm glad to see it coming out on a regular basis as I know how much of a bitch it can be to put them together.

I've bought every issue since #2 and it is pretty damn good. I just know how hard it is to keep putting them out and hopefully Eric won't get burned out doing an issue every month.There are lots of European zines (metal and oi) that are great but I just can't spend $8.00 in shipping for every Polish/Ukrainian/Russian written zine out there.

Zach - Politics of the Street

I just want to say that the newest issue looks fantastic. The layout is greatly improved with more white space and varied fonts. Good job!

Kay - Politics of the Street

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